Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru

National Assembly for Wales

Y Pwyllgor Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Chwaraeon

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Ymchwiliad I wasanaethau Nyrsio Cymunedol a Nyrsio Adal

Inquiry into Community and District Nursing services


Ymateb gan unigolyn

Evidence from an individual

I recently received an email regarding community hospital community nursing as I work from one of the biggest community ward in Hywel Dda work force I thought I’d reply to this, firstly I’d like to say working in a forty supposedly rehabilitation ward with 40 beds split into three teams with one qualified over seeing 13 or 14 patients with 2 HCA who without I could wholeheartedly say I would not manage. I love my job but find we have very few rehab patients, patients needs general are becoming more complex, they are not just your amputated limb, ulcerated legs, fractured limbs, stokes they generally come with a Mirada of other health conditions which impact greatly on their general health which is not always considered by their transfer for the potential rehabilitation, their conditions leave only minimal room for full recovery, and when we achieve this it is with full hearts are supposedly intensive rehab facilities consist of two physio one physio teq and two occupational therapist’s working Monday to Friday 8-4 our healthcare to the majority of the rehabilitation without the patients realisation.

We also have three palliative beds which is very rewarding but I wish I had more time in my day to concentrate on these patients and families to give effective end of life care and qualitative as they deserve. I am lucky enough to be the lead nurse on this team but the question you ask Electronic aids I ask myself where are these, I generally sign my name so many times per shift to so many different things I go through a pen a week all notes are hand written thankfully we have a fabulous desk Clark who is a good send, as I’ve said I love my job I wanted to become a nurse as I wanted to help others like I myself had been helped as a child who would not have been hear except for the amazing input of the NHS, but alas I find I myself unable to do the hands on care I would so love to do and clerical Is a huge part of my nursing day. I apologise for my rambling but we have not enough equipment and not enough advancement to do so much of what we need to do in these changing climates and expect-ion of families and from ourselves being a nurse doesn’t go with thanks generally we are thought of as inadequate which hurts me greatly I give 100% or I would leave the profession but to accomplish that I do stay late on majority of my shifts to make sure my patients are cared for but the questions of how is with how we right our notes still lies with paper and pen With regards xxxx